Born in The Ironbridge Gorge at our initial location, The Green Wood Café, we’re bringing our signature coffee shop style, ethos and handcrafted drinks to our latest cafe, Turned Wood Cafe, and hopefully future various locations in the West Midlands (and possibly beyond).  

Who are we?

We are a family run business; Jodylea (the daughter), Matt (Jodylea’s husband) Jason (Jodylea’s Dad) & Michelle (Jodylea’s Mum). With individual backgrounds in hospitality, catering and service, we started out together in street food before moving on to opening our first coffee shop together in 2016 - The Green Wood Café, Coalbrookdale. We started Coffee With Soul, and a sister-brand Gorge Grub, to help us grow with new coffee shops and to get back on the event scene, but then there was a global pandemic and we had to rethink our business plans.

Since then there’s been lots of ups and downs, and a few ad-hoc changes to our plans in an attempt to keep going despite post-covid challenges and personal life curve balls! But we’re still going strong together at our latest cafe in Shrewsbury thanks to all our customer support.

What we do

We have very particular standards, styles and beliefs, combining to make a unique concept that we hope to bring to future various locations, pop ups and our online shop.


Family photo taken at Matt & Jodylea’s wedding {Matt, Jodylea, Jason, Michelle]


Want to chat? Drop us an email and/or connect with us on socials, linked below.

Sorry we don’t have a phone!